Your support will get more teens on the trail and give them the skills they need to become Christ-centered leaders and Christ followers.



raised towards $250,000 goal

Days Left


Your support will get more teens on the trail and give them the skills they need to become Christ-centered leaders and Christ followers.

Make a difference with your gift today!

The heart of what we do at Wilderness Trek is build missionaries to spread the gospel through adventure...Adventure Discipleship! We use this as a spiritual catalyst to help teens and young adults grow into the people God has called them to be.

Through the end of this year, up until the next operating season, June of 2024, we will begin our annual fundraising campaign to raise $250,000.

As a non-profit these funds are crucial in the following areas, which will in turn, help us to sustain this ministry:

Scholarships – $50,000 Each year we provide scholarships to several groups who come from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds and who might find it challenging in affording a trip. We make it possible for them to just show up and enjoy the blessings of Trek with absolutely zero cost to them.

Parsonage Facility Remodel – $75,000 We now have 2 facilities at Glorieta to serve this ministry, the old Glorieta Baptist Church parsonage, which was in dire need of repair as it had not been occupied in over 12 years, and the 1200+ sq ft church annex. The annex is equipped with public restrooms and a full kitchen, which will now be our gear room and food prep facility and will allow us to have even better organization and planning for groups while rigging them up to go out into the wilderness quicker. This will allow us to continue operating for the future and provide the much needed office space and staff housing we so desperately needed to continue our mission-driven work.

General Overhead & Staff Support – $125,000 Our full-time and part-time staff are at the heart of everything we do! These funds continue to allow Trek to operate on an annual basis. We will be operating at a smaller schedule this summer to help with the transitions of our new facilities, our new Director of Operations, and until we have filled the Executive Director seat.

We give God all the glory and praise and thank Him for the ways he continues to show us His desire for this ministry to continue serving the hearts of many. We recognize that it is because of His mission and the relationships He helps form with our partners such as Glorieta and those of you that have supported Trek for so many years, that all of this is possible. So, simply, thank you!